bodhisattva (one who vows to save all beings before becoming a buddha)
bodhisattva (one who vows to save all beings before becoming a Buddha)
shinto god who is the reincarnation of a buddha or bodhisattva
: Shinto god who is the reincarnation of a Buddha or bodhisattva 垂迹 すいじゃく
(buddhism) the buddha's great vow (to save all people)
: (Buddhism) the Buddha's great vow (to save all people) 大願 たいがん
buddha's great vows
: Buddha's great vows 弘誓 ぐぜい
put all one's trust in buddha
: 仏に甘える
concentrate all one's energies into becoming
: ~になることに全力投球{ぜんりょく とうきゅう}する[全力{ぜんりょく}を注ぐ]
all save one
: 一つだけ除いて全部{ぜんぶ}
carry all before one
: 瞬く間に大成功{だいせいこう}する、破竹{はちく}の勢いで進む、向かうところ敵なしである、圧勝する
sweep all before one
: 破竹の勢いで進む
save all one's photos on disk
: すべての写真{しゃしん}をディスクに保存{ほぞん}する
appearances of buddha to save men
: appearances of Buddha to save men 垂迹 すいじゃく
buddha's vow to save humanity
: Buddha's vow to save humanity 悲願 ひがん
have all the world before one
: have all the world before one すばらしい未来がある. (hàve ?iáll?j the wórld befòre one
before the buddha or a mortuary tablet
: before the Buddha or a mortuary tablet 仏前 ぶつぜん
all animate beings
: 生きとし生けるもの
all sentient beings
: 一切衆生{いっさい しゅじょう}
"bodgy" 意味
"bodh gaya" 意味
"bodhi" 意味
"bodhi tree" 意味
"bodhisattva" 意味
"bodhran" 意味
"bodian method" 意味
"bodian's copper-protargol stain" 意味
"bodice" 意味
"bodhi tree" 意味
"bodhisattva" 意味
"bodhran" 意味
"bodian method" 意味
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